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In this project we create a connection between the biological reserve Cerro Volador (one of the two guardian hills located in the centre of the valley of boredom) and the campus of the National University, the urban proposal  generate a number of facilities in the hill who serves the university, the joint between the campus and the hill is generated through a grid, the grid generate a geometrical connection between the edges, the natural edge of the hill and the edge of the university. 


This grid penetrates in to the campus, ordering the space disposed for the project, the distribution of modules and public spaces. 


A single module is multiplied and becomes in a cluster of modules, the clusters generate different environments between the spaces (squares and courtyards), this agrupation proposes a system in which these same seems to become a bigger space in its final agrupation, making a differentiation between the common areas and private ones.


By planting trees, the architecture is mimetized taking a mountain like form that provides  amazing views to the project. 


The landscape proposals mimetize the highway in the environment giving the feeling of continuity, the invasion of the background mountain in to the campus, appropriating the project, nature as receptor.


B.A. in Architecture (2th year) 

Pie de Cuesta Residences

Students Residences

Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia. 2012
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